Ben's amazing teachers: Ms. Angie (left) and Ms. Pam. Every time I see these women they tell me how much they love my child. That makes me feel so good and it is no wonder that Ben has thrived in their class. These are special ladies.
At the entrance to the Art Show there was a sign about each artist. Here is what they had to say about Ben. And, I love that photo - what an artist! I am so proud.
The first exhibit was of art done in the genre of Louise Nevelson the sculptor.
Here is Ben telling Grammy about his masterpiece.
And, here he is showing Poppy and Riley.
Vincent Bingo (aka: Van Gogh) was Ben's favorite artist during this entire unit. I love his version of Sunflowers. I bet it will be hanging in our house very soon.
All the amazing Sunflowers.
I checked the school calendar a few days ago and asked Ben if he studied Matisse that day at school. He responded, "You mean Henri Matisse, Mom?" Guess he was paying attention that day. Here is Ben's collage in true HENRI Matisse style. He called it Military in honor of his buddy, Tyler's dad who is in the Air Force.
Each student did a drawing in the style of Leonardo da Vinci and then were asked to make a block sculpture of their drawing.
Ben came home frustrated the day they studied Michelangelo and did sculptors out of clay. He told me he wanted to build a really big scarecrow but he could figure out how to do it. So, instead he made a turtle. Nicely done.
The class also learned to do fresco painting which is done on wet plaster. This piece turned out really beautiful. I think he is a natural.
Ben was so proud to show off all his work. Here he is showing his Aunt Amy and cousin Maggie. I am sad that I didn't get a photo of his last work in the Michelangelo style. The class was each given a piece of paper which was taped to the underside of a short table. The students laid on their backs to "paint" (with markers) their pictures. What a smart idea! The perfect way to help a four year old get a glimpse at what it took to make a masterpiece like the Sistine Chapel.
This might be my favorite work of Ben's. His version of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh is fabulous. All bias aside, I think it is perfect!
The teachers went all out with this room. The over head lights were off and a spot light illuminated the exhibit. They even had music playing. Perfect.
Each series of works started out with a sign like this one that explained who the artist was and what type of work the students had done. This sign explains that Claude Monet spent a lot of time drawing his teachers. Ben's class was asked to draw a picture of their teachers.
Here they are: Ms. Angie and Ms. Pam dressed in transformer costumes. Now that is some kind of imagination.
And, Ben's version of a slightly more famous work by Monet, Water Lilies.
Who loves Jackson Pollack? Certainly all four year olds who get the chance to throw paint and not get in trouble. I believe Ben reminded me a dozen times to make sure he had on old clothes that day because he was going to get really messy! A work by each of the artists represented was also on display. Here is Ben with Grammy by the Pollack poster.
Poppy, Amy and Maggie studying the masterpieces.
Ben sharing about his "Pollack" with Amy.
Uncle Rob and Grammy debate which of Ben's masterpieces was his finest.
We are so proud of Ben for all the hard work he put into the Art Show. (Liam wasn't interested in having a group photo but he actually had a blast running the halls of his school and eating cookies.)
That's All. Night Night.
Wow! I am truly very impressed! Ben's artwork is great and the art show the teacher's put together looks amazing! You can tell Ben is really proud having all of his family their to see his art work! So very sweet!!
I love all of the pictures!!!
What an amazing unit of study! I fully expect to see the sunflower painting hanging next time we visit your place! Beautiful work, Ben!
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