Saturday, February 21, 2009

Puddles, sticks and a fence

That's all it took to entertain the boys this afternoon. Oh, plus a little sunshine. It was actually a little cool out so we had to change after the puddle jumping got old. They went right back out to tromp around in the backyard and "say hi" to our neighbor through the fence. No telling how much longer that fence will make it but Ben sure loves peeking through to see if Norma is working in her yard. He sends her gifts through the slats - things like grass and leaves. No rain forecasted for tonight - maybe those puddles will dry up. One thing is for sure, we will find something equally exciting to do tomorrow. Can't wait.

ps. That makes three, JJM. Top that.


Lisa said...

Ooh, do a smell a challenge? Keep up the good work! Three in a row!

Unknown said...

You're so sweet Tricia! Thanks for the sweet, sweet comment on our blog! It has been a long journey and we are so ready to hold our precios boy! Soon!!

Your boys are SO cute!!! :)