Sunday, November 21, 2010

Passing it on

Uncle Paul (who is now 31) got bunk beds from our grandparents when he was about five years old. Approximately six years ago he passed them on to my nephew, Riley (now 11) who recently moved to Saudi Arabia. Upon his move, Riley passed the bunk beds on to Ben and Liam. We just had them painted with a fancy new coat of red paint and we set them up today. Ben will sleep on the bottom bunk for now and some time in the future both boys will enjoy this room together.

Here are all three boys and their bunk beds.

How sweet that we got them up while Uncle Paul and Riley were visiting. This is now one of my all time favorite photos. Thanks, Uncle Paul and Riley for passing it on. We love you.

We had our Thanksgiving meal at Grammy and Poppy's house this evening. I am so thankful that Amy, Riley, Maggie, Paul and Elizabeth were all able to be here this year.

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