Thursday, October 7, 2010

Afternoon errands turned field trip

We passed a fire truck while out running errands this afternoon. This prompted Ben to suggested that we stop by the fire station and check out the trucks up close. Since we were enjoying a laid back afternoon I agreed and we headed straight there. As per usual, the fireman that came out immediately to greet us was extremely friendly and invited the boys right in. I love fire fighters. They are the most polite, gracious and kind group of professionals. We have toured our local fire house many times - in groups and individually, as we did today. Every time we are greeted in this same way. And, to my knowledge never by the same fire fighter.

Ben and Liam were thrilled to ring the bell, sit up in the driver seat and climb in the mid-section of the truck. Ben asked lots of questions which was precious! I loved that part. When the fireman couldn't find any stickers, he took us inside.

That turned into a bonus because we got to meet several more fire fighters, see their living area, kitchen and control panel. And, we left with hats and coloring books.

Really, you can't beat that for an impromptu field trip.

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