Friday, October 8, 2010

Very manly

Liam has started pedaling and he is very excited about his new found talent. I am so proud of him - he has worked really hard and it is finally paying off. We took a stroll around the block today with our neighbor friend. She borrowed Liam's bike and he rode her Tinkerbe!l big wheel. These aren't great quality photos taken with my phone but I love them for many reasons.

My Liam is absolutely precious. I love the big smile on his face. He looks so sweet and kissable.

I love the serious, game-face in this photo. When Liam decides he is going to do something, he gives it his two-year-old all.

He is really going for it in this photo - wind in his hair, back straight, shoulders hunched.

Mostly I love getting to go on a ride around the neighborhood with this amazing little bundle of energy. The contrast between his monster Halloween shirt and the Tinkerbe!l big wheel is like his personality. He is sweet and cuddly one minute and a fire cracker the next. A perfect combination.

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