Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It ain't over yet

We weren't quite done celebrating our Daddy! Ben decided to whip up a chocolate cake.

He loves whipping up a cake.

Liam decided to get in on the action and make up a pot of soup for dinner.

Liam is great at stirring the pot. He also likes to sneak a bean or piece of corn which I let him because it might be all he eats. He is on the one day on, three days off eating program.

After the cake had cooled it was time for frosting. Yum. The boys worked really hard at getting it smooth.

One last minute sniff before putting on the toppings.

Ben handed over the sprinkles and let Liam start the decorating.

The cake turned out great. We even lit candles and sang to Daddy when he got home from work. The boys were so excited to sing - we did it three times!

And, three times they blew out the candles.

We love Daddy! Happy Birthday (again)!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun!