Saturday, March 6, 2010

Big boy

The boys were jumping up and down - literally - with excitement when the "jump house" came out of hiding last night. We put it away when the household started getting sick last month and it hadn't seen the light of day since. Of course, it was the first thing the boys wanted to do this morning. This photo is an excellent example of how the little boy tries to do everything the big boy is doing - even if it doesn't make any sense. Ben laid his blanket out on the slide - so Liam is attempting to the same.

Static hair. This child creates more static electricity than any other kid that has jumped with us. I get shocked every time I touch him.

Ben spent the majority of the afternoon bent over this trash truck. We agreed to move it outside - thus making it an "outside" toy. Rules are rules. Once a toy goes outside - it never comes back in. Liam got this truck for Christmas and it is a big favorite with the boys and all our guests. Ben even asked to take it to school during their recycling unit. The fascination with trash trucks is a real mystery to me. Liam can hear them a block away. If we are in the house, he runs to every window and wants to be lifted up to see.

Is it just me or is Liam looking a lot less like a little boy and a lot more like a big boy?


Lisa said...

Liam looks really tall in this picture, but I refuse to say he becoming a big boy yet. He has such a sweet little boy face.

Neil, Amy and The Girls said...

My girls are the same way...little ones do everything the older ones do. I kinda LOVE sweet!

I think Liam still looks like a little boy :o) Adorable!!