Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am the lucky one

A few days ago, I was watching a tv drama (netflix - 2 seasons old) in which one of the main characters suffered multiple missed-miscarriages and underwent an unsuccessful round of IVF with a very specific result. Rob happened to be in the room during the scenes in which all this unfolded (he would never admit to actually watching the show but it does seem that he is often in the room when I am watching). When the final outcome of infertility played out, Rob turned to me and said, "Only in Hollywood". We smiled, a half smile, at each other. He might have winked.

As the anniversary of our first loss is approaching, I have found myself thinking about our life and how it has unfolded. It is ironic that a tv drama would portray the exact course of events that we experienced. But, as Rob and I both know, we are living the very best of lives.

And, I wouldn't change a thing.


Neil, Amy and The Girls said...

God bless the broken road...that lead you straight to YOUR precious, amazing children!

Willis said...

Yes, infertility has dumped its share of grief on me, too. Then, I just look at Rocco and realize how bad circumstances can lead to the biggest blessings.


Lisa said...


Julie said...

Perfect post.

We did the IVF thing three times and now I look and Bennett and know this is why we went through so much pain because at the end of it we received the best gift ever.

Heather M. said...

It's amazing how many of us have walked that road....we stopped before IVF...leading up to it was bad enough. You're right though, this is how it was supposed to be.