Monday, January 11, 2010

Spy Gear

Today was Ben's turn for show and tell. The students take their item in the "rabbit bag" and answers questions from their peers and they try to guess what he has in the bag.

Color? silver
Do you wear it? yes
Where do you wear it? at home
Do you take it to the park? I don't know. I have to ask my mom.
Can you play with it? yes
What shape is it? square

My sister, Amy, made Ben an amazing spy vest for Christmas and she is so cool that she surprised him by showing up for circle time. The vest has pockets with zippers, buttons and velco. Each pocket has the coolest spy gadget for doing spy-ish kinda things. If you have ever met a four year old, you can imagine what's in those pockets. The vest is fabulous. Thank you, Amy. We love you.


Lisa said...

That is one super cool secret agent you have there!

Neil, Amy and The Girls said...

Oh man, these are the days! This is just precious. The vest is pretty cool too :o)

Heather M. said...

Oh my boys would have KILLED for that when they were little!!!! Super Cool!