Thursday, January 7, 2010

Two things I love

I love when Liam crosses his legs. He has the cutest little feet and toes. He loves to have his feet rubbed and his toes "eaten". When I am sitting near him, he will rub his feet on my legs or props them in my lap. I love that.

I love Ben's imagination. He comes up with amazing stories. He is currently very interested in Transformers and Super Heros. He wants to learn all their names - it's his mission and he is determined. Precious. He is also fascinated with spy gadgets. A spy gadget can be anything from a flash light to measuring spoons. There is a use for just about everything, when you are figuring out a mystery. Go, Ben go.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love those baby feet! And it's just amazing to watch those little minds at work!!