Saturday, February 27, 2010

All day play

We spent the early morning around the house and both the boys ended up in costume. Liam was delighted to spend a couple hours in his kangaroo suit. He looks sad in this photo but he was actually very happy all morning and I love how sweet he looks as a little Roo baby.

We headed out around 10am and spent the majority of the day outside. I am not sure what is so fun about cardboard tubes but that's what Ben played with for a good hour this afternoon.

Basically, we played all day. There were a few quick errands here and there but all in all it was a fun filled day in the sun.


Heather M. said...

hahaha! The kangaroo suit is a killer! TOO CUTE!!! My boys lived in power ranger suits for a good year of their lives. Thanking God for a beautiful weekend full of Sun! It was so nice wasn't it?!?!!!

Neil, Amy and The Girls said...

What a cute little outfit! So glad you guys had a fun play day :o)